

On the rigidity of Ricci shrinkers
日期: 2023-12-05      信息来源:      点击数:

走向现代数学学术报告 - 李宇助理教授(No. 670)

报告题目:On the rigidity of Ricci shrinkers

报告人:李宇 助理教授(中国科学技术大学)



报告摘要:As the critical metrics of Perelman’s functional, Ricci shrinkers play a crucial role in analyzing the singularity formation of the Ricci flow. In this talk, I will survey some recent rigidity results stating that certain model spaces are isolated in the moduli space of Ricci shrinkers. These outcomes hold significance for establishing uniqueness in the tangent flow of the Ricci flow.

报告人简介:李宇,中国科学技术大学助理教授,2017年博士毕业于威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,研究方向为几何分析。相关研究成果发表在JDG, Crell’s Journal, JFA, TAMS, Geometry&Topology等著名国际数学杂志。

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